Active professors
Photo: Volker Abetz
Photo: UHH/Voß
- Catalytic valorisation of biomass
- Chemical energy storage (Power-to-X)
- Nanomaterials for Catalysis
- Scale-up and Miniplant technology
Photo: UHH/CUI, Peter Garten
- Biohybrid materials based on proteins and nanoparticles
- Synthesis of nanoparticles using bio templates
- Structural studies: X-ray diffraction, SAXS, electron microscopy
- Catalytic nanomaterials
- Polymer-protein-hybrid materials for drug delivery
- Protein crystallography
- Protein redesign using computational methods
Photo: Nina Schober
Photo: UHH/Betzel
- Structural Infection Biology
- Crystallogenesis
- Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids
- Specific Plant Lectins
- Venom Proteomics
- Cytomegalovirus-Wirt-Interaktion
- Virale Hemmung des programmierten Zelltods
- Virale Modulation zellulärer Stressreaktionen
- Mechanismen der Wirtsspezifität bei Cytomegaloviren
- Neue Targets für Virustatika gegen Herpesviren
Photo: M. Esfandiari
Photo: Peter Burger
- Redox Flow Batterien
- Molekulare Schalter
- photochemische Wasserspaltung
Photo: NN
- Development of novel polyurethanes
- Work on improved understanding of the structure-property relationships of polyurethanes.
Photo: Markus Fischer
Photo: Markus Fischer
Appointment via Mrs. Nagel, Room 652,
- Authentication of raw food materials: Food Profiling (genome, metabolome and isotopolome analyses)
- Recording of nutritionally relevant metabolic parameters (Metabolic Profiling, Metabolic Targeting)
- Aptamer development
- Characterisation of bacterial metabolic pathways (vitamin B2, mevalonate-independent terpene biosynthesis)
- Authentication of artefacts within the framework of the Cluster of Excellence „Understanding Written Artefacts“
Photo: Michael Fröba
Di. 13:15 - 14:00 Uhr und Mi. 13:00 - 13:45 Uhr
- Chemistry in Confined Spaces
- Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas
- Functionalized Silica Phases
- Hydrogen Storage
- Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)
- Lithium Ion Batteries
- Structural cell biology of viruses
Photo: Peter Heisig
Photo: 1
Photo: 1
Photo: Ralph Holl
- Inhibitors of lipid A biosynthesis as antibiotics
- Structure-activity relationships of LpxC inhibitors
- Inhibitors of zinc-dependent enzymes (LpxC, HDACs, MMPs)
- Stereoselective synthesis
- Synthesis of C-Glycosides
Photo: UHH
- RNA structure and function
- Protein translation and co-translation folding
- System biology of translation
- Tissue- and cell-specific translation
- Disease-related perturbations of translation
Photo: Axel Jacobi von Wangelin
- Skin quality and skin ageing
- Skin physiology and pathology
- Dermatocosmetics
- Minimally invasive cosmetic and dermacosmetic procedures
- In vivo and ex vivo evaluation of drugs/topicals/cosmetics on the epidermis and dermis
- GCP-compliant clinical studies (phase lb-lV)
- Molecular mechanisms of bacterial infections
- Structural systems biology
- Structure/function analysis of bacterial secretion systems
- Mechanisms of protein transport
- Hybrid approaches in structural biology
- Molecular biophysics
Photo: Claudia S. Leopold
- Specialist Pharmacist for Pharmaceutical Technology
- Control of drug release through interactions
- between coating polymers
- Improvement of the water solubility of active ingredients by
- (Co-)amorphization
- Optimization of process flows during
- tableting through new design-based
- approaches
- Development of new imaging techniques for
- characterization of pellets and tablets
- Use of coprocessed excipients for tabletting
- of adhesive or abrasive active ingredients
Photo: Gerrit A. Luinstra
- (Catalytic) synthesis and "post-synthesis modification" of thermoplastic polymers
- (Semi) batch production in kilogram scale, also of relevant monomers
- Polymerization catalysts, mechanisms und kinetics
- 3D printing and thermal processing of thermoplastic polymers
- Pyrolysis of waste streams with analysis of products
Photo: Dr. Thomas Lemcke
- Antifouling
- Surfaces and contact biocides
- Chemical modeling of biofilms
- Tumor targeting
- Chelators for MRT, PET and SPECT
Photo: Chris Meier
- Nucleoside/Nucleotide Chemistry
- Pronucleotide Development
- Antisense-Oligonucleotide Chemistry
- stereoselective Synthesis of carbocyclic Nucleoside Analogues
- Molecular Basis of the induction of chemical carcinogenesis (Synthesis of Arylamine-modified Oligonucleotides)
- Synthesis of Sugar-Nucleotide-Pyrophosphates
- Solid-Support based Organic Synthesis
Photo: UHH,_RRZ-MCC,_Mentz
- Investigation of the nucleation and growth processes of
- of colloidal nanoparticles
- Structure determination of nanoscopic systems
- by X-ray diffraction
- Atomic models of nanoscopic systems based on
- of high-resolution electron microscopy
- Determination of the attachment and
- uptake mechanisms of nanoparticles in biological
- biological cells by microscopic studies
- Determination of structure-property relationships
- by combination of different
- microscopy methods
- Synthesis of semiconductor nanorods, nanowires and nanoplatelets
- Development of surface-modified gold clusters
- Production of metal-semiconductor hybrid structures
- Gas phase synthesis of nanostructures on substrates
- Biofunctionalization of nanoparticles for medical diagnostics
Photo: Vanessa Muhlack Photography
- Analysis of data from manuscript analysis and provision of research results within the framework of the Cluster of Excellence "Understanding Written Artefacts".
- Application of chemometric and bioinformatic methods for food profiling
- Analysis of vibrational spectroscopic data, in particular from surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)
- Simulation of various data for the validation and optimisation of chemometric and bioinformatic approaches
- Development of chemometric methods based on random forests, e.g. for variable selection and the analysis of variable relations
Photo: Michael Steiger
- Damage mechanisms in building materials and cultural objects
- Thermochemical heat storage
- Thermodynamics of electrolyte solutions
- Phase equilibria of salts in confinement
Photo: Mica Colombo
- Protein and RNA structure comparisons
- Modelling evolution
- RNA sequence desigin
- Force field desigin
- Protein function / phylogeny
Photo: Volkmar Vill
Photo: Volkmar Vill
- Nanostrukturierte Mesophasen
- Bikontinuierliche kubische Phasen
- Cholesterische und blaue Phasen
- Synthese und Charakterisierung von Glycolipden
- Selbstorganisation
- Biomembrane
- lyotrope Flüssigkristalle
- kosmetische Anwendungen
- Coordination chemistry of the f-elements
- Organometallic chemistry
- Small molecule activation
- Homogeneous catalysis
- Inactivation mechanisms for bacterial spoilers and pathogens in food via conventional and non-thermal processes, with a focus on fruit juices
- Relevance of crops as secondary hosts for pathogens and plant foods as vehicles for bacterial pathogens and intoxications
- Application of “omics” technologies for the characterization and targeted selection of starter cultures
Photo: Horst Weller
- Atomarer Aufbau von Nanostrukturen durch
- hochauflösende Elektronenmikroskopie
- Moderne Bildgebungsverfahren in der Medizin durch
- nanoskopische Marker
- Kristallografische Strukturänderungen durch
- Inonenaustauschreaktionen
- Synthese und Charakterisierung von Nanopartikeln
- Nanopartikel für Solarzellen
- Nanopartikel in der Elektrokatalyse, Sensorik und
- hoch beanspruchten Werkstoffen
- Nanopartikel in der Medizin
Photo: Sebastian Wicha
Photo: Daniel Wilson
- The Ribosome and Regulation of Translation
- Ribosome-targeting Antibiotics
- Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms
- Translation stalling
- Cryo-electron microscopy
Junior professors
Retired professors / with emeritus status
Photo: UHH/U.Behrens
Photo: Hans-Ulrich Moritz
- Polymerization technology
- Disperse systems
- Online measurement technology
- Modelling & Chemical kinetics
- Mikroreaktion technology
Research associates
Photo: Chenyang Albert
Photo: Timo Allen
Photo: Jie Qi Ng
Photo: Jie Qi Ng
Photo: Emily Behrens
- Model-informed clinical drug development of novel anti-tuberculosis treatments within the EU project UNITE4TB
- Coordination and implementation of clinical studies
- Research on medicinal products and medical devices
- Pharmaceutical support and advice
- Safety and regulation of medicinal products and cosmetics
- Participation in clinical trials, GCP-certified (AMG and MPDG)
- Dermatocosmetics
- Apparative cosmetics
- Food supplements
Photo: Jie Qi Ng
Photo: UHH,_RRZ-MCC,_Mentz
Photo: Kim Brettschneider
Photo: Felix Brieler
- Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas (PMOs)
- Gas Physisorption (N2/Ar/H2O)
Photo: Johannes Brockelt
Photo: UHH/Brognaro
Photo: Heike Buntrock
- Skin / hair conditions and quality of life
- Minimally invasive procedures and quality of life
- Biophysical measurement methods for in vivo evaluation of skin and scalp conditions (including exposome influence on skin barrier, skin ageing)
- Skin quality, atopic dermatitis, acne and sensitive skin
- Participation in clinical studies, GCP-certified (AMG and MPDG)
Photo: Louisa Temme
- Bimetallic exsolution in perovskite oxides
- Field-assisted treatments of ceramics
Photo: UHH/Coutinho
Photo: Anne Creon
Photo: Marina Creydt
Photo: Lina Cvancar
- Design of chemical reactors and components, as well as manufacturing by means of 3D printing.
- Sustainable process optimization
- Development of chemical reactor components and production by 3D-Printing
- Sustainable process optimisation
Photo: 1
- Elektronischer Transport durch Moleküle
- Realistische Modellierung von molekularen Übergängen
- Ansätze des maschinellen Lernens für molekulare Elektronik
- Entwicklung von Deskriptoren für molekulare Verbindungen
Photo: td
Photo: Thomas Tsangas
- Synthesis of hybrid structures of dot/rod and metal particles
Photo: UHH/Djogang
Photo: Marcel Dohrmann
Photo: Donati/UHH
- Studies on the Mechanism of Action and Targeted Drug Delivery of Methotrexate
Photo: Benedikt Ehrhardt
- Treatment of nanoporous perovskites with electric fields
- Oxygen release from nanoporous perovskites
Photo: Eifler
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: Julian Ermtraud
- Novel approaches for model-informed precision dosing
Photo: Aneeq Farooq
- Rational combination therapies of last-resort antibiotics to maximize efficacy and protect against resistance
Photo: Marcel Fassbender
- Investigation and optimization of polymerizations on a pilot plant scale
- Entwicklung präparativer Methoden zur Herstellung von Eisenoxidnanopartikeln unterschiedlicher Größe und Form.
- Darstellung von Nanopartikel-Polymerhybridsystemen und Funktionalisierung der Partikeloberfläche durch Kopplung maßgeschneiderter Liganden.
- Aufbau neuartiger Verbundwerkstoffe durch Selbstassemblierung funktionaler Nanopartikel.
- Darstellung von Nanopartikel-Polymerhybridsystemen zur bimodalen Bildgebung mit der Option des drug delivery mittels Emulsionspolymerisation.
- Darstellung von Nanopartikel-Polymerhybridsystemen für das magnetic particle imaging.
- Funktionalisierung von Nanokristallen für biochemische- und medizinische Anwendungen mittels Emulsionspolymerisation.
Photo: Emna Fezai
- Hydrothermal and sol-gel synthesis of ceramics
- X-ray scattering methods
Photo: Franz Fischer
Photo: Celine Fischer
- Phages
Photo: Merrit Redlich
Photo: UHH/Franca
- - Implementation of a ring-opening polymerization by means of a spray polymerization
- - Optimization of droplet generation for spray polymerisation using 3D printing
- - Ring-opening polymerization in a fluidized bed reactor
Photo: Timo Friedrich
- Chemical Modification of Synthetic Surfaces for the Targeted Modulation of Biofilm Formation
Photo: C. Frost
- Synthesis of hybrid structures of dot/rod and metal particles
- Focusing on particles for photocatalytic overall water splitting
Photo: UHH/Gevorgyan
Photo: Nicklas Giese
- Electrical characterization of charge carrier separation in a semiconductor-metal hybrid structure.
- Combined optical and atomic force microscopy in one setup.
- Electron beam and optical lithography for the generation of defined structures.
Photo: privat
Photo: Amelie Grosche
- Investigation and Electrochemical Analysis of Surface Modified Magnesium and Aluminum
Photo: Marvin Groß
- Development of functional reactors using 3D printing
- Chemoselective oxidation of alcohols
- Kinetic modelling of polymerisations
- Polymer characterization, e.g. rheology
Photo: Monika Grünzel
- Phase equilibria of aqueous electrolytes in confinement
Photo: Thomas Hackl
Photo: Thomas Hackl
- NMR (liquid)
- Biological Chemistry
- Metabolomics
- Food Profiling
- structure elucidation of natural products/metabolites
- NMR kinetics
Photo: Jie Qi Ng
Photo: Rana Hamze
- Thermochemical heat storage
- Use of salt mixtures for thermal storage
Photo: Daniel Harms-Pollak
Photo: Anke Heisig
Photo: Hauke Heller
Photo: Hans Werners
- Phase transfer of nanostructures from unpolar to polar phases
- Photocatalysis in aqueous solution using semiconductor/metal hybrid nanostructures
- Cyclic voltammetry on nanostructures for determining the respective band gap energy
Photo: UHH/Hill
- Colloidal Chemistry
- Hybrid Nanomaterials
- 2D/Layered Materials
- Optically-Directed Nanoparticle Assembly
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: Frank Hoffmann
Photo: privat
Photo: Frank Hoffmann
- Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica
- Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Molecular Modelling
- Topology of crystalline nets
- Crystallography and Symmetry
- X-Ray Diffraction
Photo: Kathrin Hoppe
- In-situ synchrotron methods
- Metal exsolution from mesoporous perovskites
Photo: Sabrina Jaehnke
- Functionalized block-copolymers for sustainable and selective lithium ion extraction from seawater
- Keywords: RAFT-polymerization, crown ether functionalized polymers, ion extraction, lithium recovery, membrane preparation, self-assembly, DFT (density functional theory)
- Characterisation techniques: AFM, SEM, GPC, NMR, UV-Vis, DSC, DLS, Elementary Analysis, IR
Photo: Jie Qi Ng
Photo: Sanjay Jatav
Photo: Florian Johst
- Single-particle spectroscopy of dot/rod and double/dot/rod structures at cryogenic conditions
- Quantum mechanical calculations using the finite-element-method in COMSOL
Photo: Josts Inokentijs
Photo: M. Esfandiari
Photo: UHH/Yadav
Photo: Timothy Paul Kehrer
Photo: Sonja Kemmerer
Photo: Jie Qi Ng
Photo: Kurt Klauke
- Mesoporous oxide thin films
- Impedance spectroscopy
Photo: Florian Klein
- Development of Bio-Based, Thermoreversible, Reprocessable, Stimuli-Responsive Polymer (Nano-)composite Materials
- Keywords: Vitrimers, Covalent Adaptable Networks, Bio-based Building Blocks, Ligands, (Nano-)composite Materials
- Characterisation techniques: FTIR, NMR, Quantitative 31P-NMR, MS, DSC, TGA, DMA, Tensile Test, Elementary Analyis, Light Microscopy
Photo: Studioline Photography
- Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antiviral drugs in mono- and combination therapy
Photo: Mica Colombo
- Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel EphA2-Ephrin-A1 Inhibitors
Photo: Laurens Ballentin
- Investigation of the influence of chemical structure on the properties of N-oxide compounds
Photo: Foto: M. Kock
Photo: Christian Köhn
- Water and soil contamination: Mineral oil, isolation, identification, characterization, age determination, origin determination, heavy metals
Photo: Cornelia Koob
Photo: Timm Kraus
Photo: Surender Kumar
Photo: UHH/Yadav
- Certified pharmacist for pharmaceutical analysis
- Student advisor for pharmacy
Photo: Nina Schober
Photo: Thomas Tsangas
- Cation exchange from CdS(Se) to Ag₂S(Se)
- Fabrication of nanowire-based devices
- Electrical characterization of these devices
- Optical Investigation on single nanowires
- Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica as Biomimetic Host Material
- Chemistry in Confined Spaces
Photo: Antonia Leonhardt
- Dose optimization of anti-infective therapy considering target-site pharmacokinetics
Photo: Jie Qi Ng
Photo: UHH/Luxenberg
Photo: Miklas Martens
- Evaluation and optimization of ceftazidime/avibactam-fosfomycin- combination therapies in in vitro infection models
- Synthesis of Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas (PMOs) and Disordered Mesoporous Organosilicas (DMOs)
- Water in Confinement
- Organic Liquids in Confinement
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Photo: Jie Qi Ng
Photo: F. Ziemen
Photo: Andreas Meyer
Photo: Jannik Rebmann
- Wet-chemical synthesis of seminconductor nanoparticles
- Cation exchange
- Selective growth
Photo: UHH, Moll
Photo: Carl Emil Mørch Nielsen
- Development of Antifouling Coatings on Titanium
Photo: Morici
Photo: UHH/Yadav
Photo: Marie-Sophie Müller
Photo: D. Niehaus
Photo: Nils Nun
Photo: Marie Oest
Photo: Silke Schmidt
- Synthesis of Peptidic Hydroxamates for the Complexation of Zirconium-89 used in PET Imaging.
Photo: UHH/Menz
- Rapid emulsion polymerization
- Polymerization technology
Photo: UHH/Perbandt
Photo: Marie Meins
Photo: Christoph Pfaffendorf
- Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic investigation of novel antimalarial regimens
Photo: Geoffrey Pirard
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: UHH/Prabhu
Photo: Foto: L. Prilop
Photo: Fabian Ratze
Photo: Tillmann Reuther
- Biophysiological measurement methods
- Molecular skin physiology
- Applied cosmetic chemistry
- Clinical testing according to GCP
- Coordinator of clinical studies (AMG, MPDG)
- Biophysical measurement methods for the in vivo evaluation of skin conditions
- GCP-certified study coordinator
Photo: Sandra Thiedecke
- Small angle scattering
- Mesoporous perovskite oxides
Photo: UHH/Ruffer
Photo: Studioline
Photo: Studioline
Photo: Studioline
Photo: LR
Photo: 1
Photo: Haaris Safdari
- Synthesis of cadmium-free, near-infrared active nanoparticles for optoelectronic applications
- Structural and optical characterisation of semiconductor nanoparticles
- Hot-injection and template-assisted approaches
- Synthesis in Glove box
Photo: s. sander
- Developing more sustainable rubber compounds.
Photo: palina-scerbakova
- Aesthetics and attractiveness research
Photo: Schaarschmidt/UHH
Photo: F. Scheliga
Photo: Christian Schmidt
- Administration of Unix, Linux and Windows servers
- Teaching
- Support of workplace computers
- User support
Photo: Jie Qi Ng
Photo: Elsa Schöneberger
Photo: David Schrey
- Antibiotic treatment optimization and development of novel infection models
- Shape controlled synthesis of titania nanoparticles (100-200 nm) for the application as custom designed high toughness hierarchical nanocomposite material.
- Preparation of 2d multilayer nanocomposite thin film consisting of varying organic/inorganic building blocks (titania, dicarboxylic acids, graphene oxide...).
- Characterization of mechanical properties via bulge experiments using atomic force microcopy and interferometric measurements of nanometer thin 2d nanocomposites.
Photo: Patrick Schütz
Photo: Gloria Signorato
Photo: Nils Sobania
Photo: Seyberth
- DOTA-based Nucleotide Sensors
Photo: UHH/Srinivasan
Photo: Katharine Stahlbuhk
- Salt damage in porous materials
- Crystallization behavior and supersaturation in mixed electrolytes
Photo: Marie Meins
Photo: UHH,_RRZ-MCC,_Mentz
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: Jie Qi Ng
Photo: Elmar Surin
Photo: S. Tajdar
- Deliquescence of nanoparticles and nanocrystals in confinement
- Thermodynamics of electrolyte solutions
Photo: NT
Photo: Henning Tidow
- Struktur und Funktion von Membranproteinen
- Calcium-Transport durch biologische Membranen
- Protein-Kristallographie
- zeitaufgelöste Strukturbiologie
- genetisch kodierter Einbau von unnatürlichen Aminosäuren
Photo: M. Vogts
Photo: UHH/von Meyenn
Photo: Tobias Vossmeyer
- Sensors and Actuators Based on Self-Assembled Nanomaterials
- Nanoparticles for Bioapplications
- Nano- and Microparticles for Photonics and Mechanically Strengthened Composites
Photo: UHH/Mucke
Photo: Tim Wagner
Photo: Shaoheng Wang
Photo: UHH/Wang
Photo: Thomas Hackl
Photo: Kai Röver
Photo: Nina Schober
- Vitrimers Based on Self-assembled Block Copolymers
- Keywords: Block Copolymer, Photo-RAFT Polymerization, Reprocessability
- Characterisation techniques: IR, NMR, GPC, DSC, TGA, DMA, Tensile test, XRD
Photo: Wehrmeister
- Direct observation of charge carrier separation
- Scanning probe microscopy of metal-semiconductor hybrid systems
- Combination of electrical, optical and surface potential measurements
Photo: weidemann/UHH
- Size- and shape-controlled synthesis of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanocrystals (SPIONs)
- Synthesis of cubic and octapod star-shaped iron oxide nanocrystals in the size range of 4-60 nm for cubic and 20-80 nm for octapod star-shaped NK based on the thermal decomposition of iron oleate
- Investigation of the reaction mechanism: elucidation of nucleation precursors and pyrolysis products by means of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization with time-of-flight mass spectrometer detection (MALDI-TOF-MS)
- Functionalization and encapsulation of iron oxide nanocrystals by seed emulsion polymerization
- Targeted post-oxidation of SPIONs to increase saturation magnetization
- Characterization of SPIONs by Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy - development of a tracer for Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI)
Photo: Nina Schober
- Behavior of ferrite-based magnetic nanoparticles in smart polymer networks
- Keywords: Magnetism, Hyperthermia, Thermo-responsivity, Photo-iniferter RAFT-Polymerization, Hydrothermal reactor
- Characterisation techniques: Vibrating Sample Magnetometer, TEM, ICP-OES, custom-built coil set-up, NMR, TGA, DLS, XRD, UV-Vis, AC-Susceptometer
Photo: UHH,_RRZ-MCC,_Mentz
Photo: Werz
Photo: Anna Wethues
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: Martin Wildemann
Photo: Matthias Winkler
Photo: Louisa Temme
- Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel AAK1/BIKE Inhibitors
Photo: Sandra Witta
- Integrating patient specific data to develop a model-informed precision dosing approach for a chemotherapeutic agent.
Photo: UHH/Wittenburg
Photo: Alja Wölk
Photo: Daniel Wojtyniak
- Evaluation of error-controlled exposure response analysis and study design optimization
Photo: M. Esfandiari
Photo: Varnika Yadav
Photo: Mazlum Yesilmen
Photo: Nina Schober
- RNA-Biochemie (Aptamere, RNA Interferenz)
- spektroskopische Methoden (Fluoreszenz Korrelations Spektroskopie, Konfokale Mikroskopie)
- Proteinbiochemie (rekombinante Proteinexpression, Proteinreinigung und -analytik)
- Administration of Linux/Unix servers and workstations
- Website support
- Network support
Academic counsels
Photo: Birgit Hankiewicz
Photo: Birgit Hankiewicz
Photo: Antje Wagner
Teaching staff / instructors
Photo: 1
Privatdozenten and contract university teachers
Photo: UHH,_RRZ-MCC,_Mentz
- Optical Spectroscopy of Quantum Structures
Visiting scholars
Photo: Saeed
Technical, administrative and library staff
- Administration of Chemicals Storage and Registration Systems (CLAKS)
Photo: Eifler
Photo: Melanie Benken
Photo: Eifler
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
- Support of workplace computers
Photo: Christine Bostedt
Photo: UHH/Brandt
Photo: UHH/Wittenburg/Bretzke
- Schulchemie
Photo: F. Ziemen
Photo: Hackl
- Occupational Safety — AC
- Fire safety training
- Deputy for Universität Hamburg’s Central Waste-Holding Facility / Waste Management Service
Photo: Michael Graf
- Trainings/Teaching
- Support of workplace computers
- User support
- IT and multimedia support for studies and teaching
- Administration and support of the CIP pools
- B.Sc. & M.Sc. Food Chemistry
- Space Management
- Mon 9-12 and 13-15
- Tue by phone
- Wed 10-12 and 13-15
- Thu by phone
- Fri 9am-12pm
- Promotions
Photo: UHH,_RRZ-MCC,_Mentz
- Molecular Life Sciences
- Promotions
- head of the academic office
- Chemistry
- food chemistry
- nanosciences
- Chemistry
- Food Chemistry State Examination
Photo: F. Ziemen
Photo: F. Ziemen
by telephone or e-mail inquiry
- IR + Raman Spektroscopy
- UV-VIS-NIR Spektroscopy
- Gas chromatography, GPC, Rheologie, TGA
Photo: I. Grueneberg
Photo: Imke Heinze
- Occupational Safety and Waste Management—TMC/PAI
- Deputy for Waste Management—Chemistry I
Photo: Martin Kehden
- Industrial teaching
- Nutrition and home economics
- Cosmetic Science
- Food Chemistry (M.Sc.)
- Pharmacy
Photo: Julia Maracke
- Physisorption
Photo: UHH-Polte
Photo: manin
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: Thomas Hackl
Photo: Frank Meyer
Photo: Isabelle Nevoigt
- Pulverdiffraktometrie
- Einkristallstrukturanalyse
- Universität Hamburg Hazardous Goods Officer
- CLAKS at Universität Hamburg
Key issuance/ consultation hours:
Tue 10:00 - 11:00
Fri 10:00 - 11:00
Area of responsibility: Chemistry I
(Building ZBV, AC, OC, BC, TC, VG I & II )
MLKP 6; Sedanstr. 18; Grindelallee 117; Sedanstr. 19
Photo: privat
Photo: Mia Salzborn
Photo: Uta Sazama
- Thermoanalyse (TG/DSC/DTA)