Material chemistry and nanochemistry
Subareas of material chemistry and nanochemistry include functional materials, molecules, nanostructure research, nanophotonics and nanoelectronics, and theoretical chemistry. These also represent different thematic focuses of the participating research groups, which cooperate closely—above all, within joint coordinated research alliances, such as the Center for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI). Established as part of the German federal government’s promotion of excellence, a total of 7 research groups are involved in the aforementioned specializations in various constellations. While the CUI investigates fundamental scientific questions relating to chemical processes on different timescales, the Department of Chemistry also actively cooperates with Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) as well as nonuniversity research institutions with close links to chemistry, such as the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research (HZG) and the Center for Applied Nanotechnology (CAN). Moreover, the Energy Research Network Hamburg (EFH) offers a tool to facilitate the integration of chemistry research into industrial development projects in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.