These pages contain the complete bibliography of the Department of Chemistry and its predecessor institutions.
The Department of Chemistry emerged from the Chemischen Staatsinstitut (State Chemical Institute). This in turn is the successor of the Chemischen Staatslaboratoriums (State Chemical Laboratory), which grew out of the Akademischen Gymnasium (Academic High School). Thus, the Department of Chemistry has a scientific history of almost 400 years full of discoveries, which today, however, often wait in secret for their rediscovery.
A complete bibliography of the department now aims to summarize the scientific achievements of the present and the past. More than 300 lecturers have written over 20000 publications and supervised 3600 doctoral theses. The bibliographies of the lecturers are each assigned to the 7 institutes of today. For those lecturers who are no longer active in the department, a short biography is provided, which explains in particular the working and employment relationships with the University of Hamburg.
The literature citations are researched, standardized and validated. A uniform spelling of the journals and authors is applied. First names, that are abbreviated in the original, are completed - as far as known.
Additional information can be found in the technical description and statistics of the bibliography.
Please send corrections and additions to: volkmar.vill"AT"