Nanostructure research
Nanostructure research is one of the most important analytical disciplines within the nanosciences. This field essentially concerns itself with the physical or chemical properties that can be specifically adjusted on the nanometer scale based solely on the material size and shape. Hence, extensive nanostructure research is conducted within the Department of Chemistry in parallel to the synthesis activities of the functional materials research area. This includes various methods to determine the atomic structure and shape of inorganic and polymeric nanostructures, such as electron and light microscopy or X-ray diffraction. Moreover, methods and computer models are developed to determine and model the electronic structure of nanomaterials.
Photo: Volker Abetz
Photo: UHH/CUI, Peter Garten
- Biohybrid materials based on proteins and nanoparticles
- Synthesis of nanoparticles using bio templates
- Structural studies: X-ray diffraction, SAXS, electron microscopy
- Catalytic nanomaterials
- Polymer-protein-hybrid materials for drug delivery
- Protein crystallography
- Protein redesign using computational methods
Photo: Nina Schober
Photo: UHH/Hill
- Colloidal Chemistry
- Hybrid Nanomaterials
- 2D/Layered Materials
- Optically-Directed Nanoparticle Assembly
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Photo: UHH,_RRZ-MCC,_Mentz
- Investigation of the nucleation and growth processes of
- of colloidal nanoparticles
- Structure determination of nanoscopic systems
- by X-ray diffraction
- Atomic models of nanoscopic systems based on
- of high-resolution electron microscopy
- Determination of the attachment and
- uptake mechanisms of nanoparticles in biological
- biological cells by microscopic studies
- Determination of structure-property relationships
- by combination of different
- microscopy methods
- Synthesis of semiconductor nanorods, nanowires and nanoplatelets
- Development of surface-modified gold clusters
- Production of metal-semiconductor hybrid structures
- Gas phase synthesis of nanostructures on substrates
- Biofunctionalization of nanoparticles for medical diagnostics
Photo: Volkmar Vill
- Nanostrukturierte Mesophasen
- Bikontinuierliche kubische Phasen
- Cholesterische und blaue Phasen
- Synthese und Charakterisierung von Glycolipden
- Selbstorganisation
- Biomembrane
- lyotrope Flüssigkristalle
- kosmetische Anwendungen
Photo: Horst Weller
- Atomarer Aufbau von Nanostrukturen durch
- hochauflösende Elektronenmikroskopie
- Moderne Bildgebungsverfahren in der Medizin durch
- nanoskopische Marker
- Kristallografische Strukturänderungen durch
- Inonenaustauschreaktionen
- Synthese und Charakterisierung von Nanopartikeln
- Nanopartikel für Solarzellen
- Nanopartikel in der Elektrokatalyse, Sensorik und
- hoch beanspruchten Werkstoffen
- Nanopartikel in der Medizin