2020 - How Quickly Nothing Has Happened
The nomination of Universität Hamburg in 2019 as a University of Excellence bears its fruits: the funds from the clusters of excellence create great opportunities and support for early career researchers. Read more about the excellence strategy in this Nature article.
Our group welcomes Mattis as a PhD student! After finishing his B. Sc. in our group, he now commences his doctoral studies as part of the new Fast-Track Program. Participants work on their PhD program while finishing their Master's degree. Good luck, Mattis!
Javier joins our group as Postdoc! After his stay as visiting PhD student from U Alcalá in 2018 he will now work with us for one year. Welcome back, Javier!
Ursula was awarded a PhD fellowship of the Fund of the Chemical Industry. Congratulations!
Dear Nitrogen, I don't want to loose you! Luana, Michael and Michal publish about aryl pyrazoles from photocatalytic cycloadditions of arenediazonium salts. Have a look here!
Three doctors in da house! Sebastian, Patrick and Josef wrap up their time with us. They defended their thesis on July 16th and are the 17th, 18th and 19th finisher of the group. Glückwunsch, Doktor Sandl, Doktor Bayer und Doktor Bernauer!
Publication time! Bernhard publishes about stereoselective chromium-catalyzed semi-hydrogenation of alkynes. Big thanks go to our collabs from the Bauer and Zweck group. Have a look here!
Roderich was awarded a prestigious PhD fellowship by the Fund of the Chemical Industries. Congratulations! This is a great appreciation of Roderich's past research achievements and his proposal. Well done!
Life can be so sweet, on the sunny side of the street! Luana and Mike publish about carbamoyl radicals as CO2 surrogates. Have a look here!
A warm welcome goes to Robin Stuhr and Stefano Piacentini who enter the ship for exciting flow chemistry (Robin) and the graduate school "Nanohybrids" (Stefano). May the force be with you!
I'm gonna be iron like a lion in Zion! Dominik and Sebastian publish a minireview about kinetic poisoning experiments for iron group metal-catalyzed reductions. Have a look here!
He's already been with us for a while, but now, officially as a PhD student: Welcome, Roderich Meißner, to our group and all the best for your work!
Just spending my time, spinning my rhymes and singing for nickels and dimes! Our recent article about olefin hydrogenation catalyzed by Nickel nanoparticles was highlighted as hot paper and with the cover picture. Have a look here and here!
Home office! We used our lab-free time to create a new subpage to our website. Have a look here!
Lithium is not only used for medication and batteries. Recently, remarkable catalytic activities have been reported. Pradip publishes about a lithium amide catalyzed hydroboration of nitriles. Have a look here!
Trust me, I am an engineer! Patrick develops an entirely solvent-free photooxygenation of olefins under continuous flow conditions. Have a look here!
I'm beginning to see the light! Michael, Uttam and Dieter publish about a dual photoredox iron-catalyzed cyclotrimerization in Angewandte Chemie. Have a look here. Big thanks go to our collabs Victor de la Pena O’Shea and Raul Perez-Ruiz!
Corona, you little bugger. You meanest of the meanest. In this moment you have won: We retreat.
But we will be back. And we'll be beside ourselves with anger. We will hunt you, we will find you and tear down your ugly crown. And then we'll be sitting out in the warm sun and enjoy our drinks, and will speak ill of you.
Unity is Strength! Our longstanding collaboration with the Wolf group and the Zweck group from Uni Regensburg brings up another fine piece of research: Sebastian publishes about Nickel nanoparticle catalysts for olefin hydrogenation. Have a look here!
Iron it out! Sebastian publishes a highlight about the role of organoferrates in cross-couplings. Have a look here!
Sunny! Mike and Luana publish about N-deoxygenations by photoexcitation of Hantzsch esters. Have a look here!
ISP lab party was rolling high. Thanks to all students and TAs for making this a fun night!
Pradip escaped the mild winter for some more serious weather. Good choice!
The New Year brings good news! The present inorganic chemistry trend report features Uttam's recent work about a Manganese cubane cluster. Have a look here!