Group of Dr. Hill
The Hill group focuses on colloidal synthesis and self-assembly of functional nanomaterials into hybrid structures, where changes in photophysical properties can improve energy applications. These structure-function relationships which influence the dynamics of charge transport can be better understood using ultrafast spectroscopy thanks to the Cluster of Excellence: CUI. A variety of colloidal approaches are used, including hydrothermal and solvothermal methods, and we emphasize the tuning of the surface chemistry of ligands and inorganic supports in order to template material growth or assembly orientation. Furthermore, understanding the influence of particle surface chemistry on particle-particle interactions at liquid/solid/gas interfaces is of much interest, and is highly relevant for directed assembly of functional materials.
DFG: (447787198)
Hamburg Cluster of Excellence: Center for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI)
August 2024
Bianca Hanly (MIT) and Ursula Richardson (Durham University) spent 2 months with us as visiting students!
October 2023
Eike defended his Master's thesis, and will continue in our group as a graduate student. Congrats and welcome!
September 2023
Marcel was awarded "Best Oral Presentation" at YUCOMAT2023 for his talk on Bubble Printing of MXene. Congrats!
July 2023
Sanjay defended his Ph.D. thesis, and was chosen for a Postdoc position with Michael Fröba at Uni Hamburg. Congrats!
April 2023
Our work "Bubble Printing of Ti3C2TX MXene for Patterning Conductive and Plasmonic Nanostructures" (Nano Letters 2023) has been selected as an Outside Front Cover Article.
April 1, 2023
We welcome our newest graduate student Ana to the group!
March 1, 2023
We welcome our newest Master's student Eike to the group!
September 2022
Our work "Layered silicate edge-linked perylene diimides: Synthesis, self-assembly and energy transfer" (JCIS 2022) has been selected as an Inside Back Cover Article
January 1, 2022
Junying was chosen for a position as Junior Professor at the Biofuels Institute at Jiangsu University. Congrats!
November 16, 2021
We welcome our newest postdoc Silvano and graduate student Patrick to the group!
January 16, 2021
We welcome our new graduate students Marcel and Hongxiao to the group!
August 18, 2020
The move to Uni Hamburg has been completed! The group is looking forward to future research as a part of the Institute for Physical Chemistry and the Cluster of Excellence: Center for Ultrafast Imaging!