Publications by Max Volmer (1885-1965) bis 1922
Short biography
1885 | born on 3 May 1885 in Hilden |
1910 | PhD with Karl Schaum in Leipzig |
1912-1914 | Assistant in Leipzig |
1913 | Habilitation in Leipzig |
1914-1918 | Military service |
1918-1920 | Industrial activity in the Auergesellschaft, Berlin |
1920-1922 | Industrial activity in the Auergesellschaft, former professor for physical chemistry at the University of Hamburg |
1922-1945 | o. Professor an TH Berlin |
1934 | Election to the Prussian Academy of Science - Revocation of the election by the NS Minister of Education - Subsequent appointment in 1946 |
1945-1955 | scientific activity in the USSR in the framework of the Soviet nuclear project |
1955-1958 | o. Professor for physical chemistry and electrochemistry at the Humboldt University of Berlin |
1955 | National Prize of the GDR |
1955 | Honorary citizenship of Potsdam |
1955-1958 | President of the German Academy of Sciences (GDR) |
1958-1963 | Vice President of the German Academy of Sciences (GDR) |
1965 | died on 3 June 1965 in Postsdam |
Further Information / Research impulses
- Stern-Volmer-Equation
- Mercury vapour jet pump
- Volmer Isotherm
- Volmer-Diffusion
- Butler-Volmer-Equation
- Entry in the Hamburg catalogue of professors
Alternative name spellings
The spelling "Max Vollmer" is often found incorrectly.
(only until end of time in Hamburg, until 1922)Wird geladen...