Short biography and Publications by Otto Robert Frisch
Short biography
1904 | born on 1. Oktober 1904 in Wien |
1922 | A-levels at Staatsgymnasium VIII in Vienna |
1922-1926 | Studies of physics, mathematics and philosophy in Vienna |
1926 | PhD with Karl Przibram in Vienna |
1926-1927 | Volontär im Laboratorium für Radio- und Röntgenphysik in Wien |
1927-1930 | Scholarship of the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft at the Physikalisch-Technischen Reichsanstalt with Carl Müller in Berlin |
1930-1930 | Scholarship holder of the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft with Peter Pringsheim at the Institute of Physics at the University of Berlin |
1930-1933 | Research assistant with Otto Stern at the Institute for Physical Chemistry in Hamburg dismissed as "non-Aryan" on 31.7.1933 |
1933 | Expulsion from Germany |
1933-1934 | Work with Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett at Birkbeck College, London |
1934-1939 | Work with Nils Bohr in Copenhagen |
1939-1940 | Assistant to Marcus Laurence Elwin Oliphant at the University of Birmingham Calculations together with Rudolf Peierls on the uranium-235 atomic bomb |
1940-1943 | Research activity in Liverpool |
1943-1946 | Cooperation in the development of the atomic bomb in Los Alamos |
1946-1947 | Head of the nuclear physics department of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment in Harwell |
1947-1972 | "Jacksonian Professor of Natural Philosophy und Fellow" of the Trinity College in Cambridge |
1979 | died on 22. September 1979 in Cambridge |
Further Information
Alternative name spellings
- Otto Robert Frisch
- Otto R. Frisch
- O. R. Frisch
- O. Frisch
- Robert Frisch
- R. Frisch
(Only the publications from the Hamburg period up to 1933 are included in the overall index of chemistry.)
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