DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer
K&A Laborgeräte DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer H-8 up to 8 parallel syntheses Universal or standard CPG up to 10 µmol synthesis possible coupling cycle: 3-3.5 minutes |
UV/VIS Spectrometer
Varian UV/Vis Spectrometer Varian Cary 300 Bio Wavelength range: 190-900 nm temperature controlled |
Ultra Performance Flash Purification
Ultra Performance Flash Purification 430 Flow: up to 200 mL/min Flash-columns up to 1.6 kg Max. pressure: up to 30 bar |
Analytical HPLC Agilent (1260 Infinity II) DAD (UV detection)/ FLD (fluorescence detection) |
pH-measuring device
pH-measuring device SCHOTT® Instruments pH-/ISE-apparatus Prolab 3000 |
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5418 R Rotation N°: 14.000 rpm Capacity: 18 x 2 mL temperature control from 0°C bis + 40 °C |
Centrifuge 2
Biofuge primo R Heraeus centrifuge Capacity: 6 x 130 g Max. rotation n°: 8500 rpm |
Microwave TM System
CEM focussed Microwave TM System Type: Discover Microwave generator: 0-300 W Volume: between 5 and 125 mL Temperature control: 25-250 °C Pressure: 0-20 bar |
Freeze drying apparatur
Freeze drying apparatur ALPHA 2-4 LDplus Temperature: ca. -85 °C up to 24 flasks |
ALPHA Platinum ATR-IR-Spectrometer Single reflection diamond crystal Spectral range: 7.500 – 375 cm-1 |