Biomacromolecular crystallization and crystallography
We support you in project planning, starting with sample preparation and biophysical characterization using the methodological infrastructure at the Department of Chemistry, CSSB/DESY, and EMBL. In this process, we act as a competent and central contact point and advisor for early-career researchers. Furthermore, we provide assistance with measurements and subsequent reporting. Additionally, we offer comprehensive support for PIs in preparing proposals for beamtime or experiments at DESY (PETRA III, FLASH, and EuXFEL).
Please contact us for general inquiries regarding protein crystallization/protein crystallography, scheduling, or specific measurement requests via email or phone:
Priv. Doz. Dr. Markus Perbandt
University of Hamburg
Department of Chemistry
Institute of Physical Chemistry
AG Beck
Grindelallee 117
Building VGI, Room 38
D-22607 Hamburg
Phone: +49-40-42838-9180
eMail: markus.perbandt"AT"