Short biography and Publications by Ilse Esdorn (1897-1985)
Short Biography
1897 | born on 8. Januar 1897 in Braunschweig |
1916-1918 | Pharmaceutical apprenticeship in Hamburg-Bergedorf and in Braunschweig |
1919 | Pharmacy assistant in Rostock |
1922 | Pharmaceutical State Examination in Braunschweig |
1922-1927 | Full assistant at Gustav Gaßner in Braunschweig (5 years) |
1924 | Doctorate in Kiel, work was done in Göttingen |
1927-1940 | Scientific employee at the Hamburg State Institute for Applied Botany |
1930 | Habilitation in Hamburg |
1932-1940 | Lectureship for pharmacognosy at the University of Hamburg |
1940-? | Head of Department at the Reich Institute for Foreign and Colonial Forestry and Wood Economy in Reinbek |
1941 | appointment as associate professor |
1950-1962 | Professor at the Institute for Applied Botany at the University of Hamburg Head of the Pharmacognosy Department |
?-? | Head of the Hamburg Group of the German Society for the History of Pharmacy |
1982 | Honorary membership of the German Pharmaceutical Society, Hamburg chapter |
1985 | died on 5 September 1985 in Braunschweig |
Alternative name spellings
- Ilse Esdorn
- I. Esdorn
- J. Esdorn
Further information
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