Research group Prof. Dr. Axel Jacobi von Wangelin
We are a dynamic research group at the modern campus of the University of Hamburg and call Germany's most popular city our home.
Research activities in our group span the themes of sustainable catalysis and synthesis. Current areas of investigation include complex synthesis and catalysis with 3d-transition metals, nanoparticles, and visible-light mediated reactions. We also design and apply new reactor technologies (photo, micro, flow, pressure) to maximize the efficiency and operational simplicity of chemical processes.
If you are a student at whatever stage of your studies and we caught your attention, please e-mail us to learn more about research opportunities in our group.
Current research
Sustainable Synthesis and Catalysis
Low-valent iron complexes and nanoclusters
3d Transition metal complexes
Photocatalysis & photochemistry
Activation of small molecules
Optimization of technical processes
New reactor technologies
Graduate School "Nanohybrids" (DFG)