Chair of the conference
Chairman: Prof. Dr. José A.C. Broekaert, University of Hamburg
Co-chair: Prof. Dr. Marie-Claire Hennion, CNRS-ESPCI, Paris
International Scientific Committee
J. Albaiges, Barcelona (Spain)
R. Burk, Ottawa (Canada)
W. Francke, Hamburg (Germany)
D. Hercules, Nashville (U.S.A.)
T. Hoffmann, Mainz (Germany)
D. Klockow, Dortmund (Germany)
G. Lammel, Hamburg (Germany)
R. Niessner, Munich (Germany)
A. Prange, Hamburg (Germany)
J. Readman, Plymouth (U.K.)
S. Richardson, Athens (U.S.A.)
J. Tarradellas, Lausanne (Switzerland)
R. Van Grieken, Antwerp (Belgium)
G. Zaray, Budapest (Hungary)
Organizing Committee
Nicolas Bings, University of Hamburg
José Broekaert, University of Hamburg
Ursula Fittschen, University of Hamburg
Marianne Frei, IAEAC, Allschwil (Switzerland)
Katrin Kröger, University of Hamburg
Waltraud Wallenius, University of Hamburg