September 25-29, 2023
Retreat of the research group in Denmark: Science and fun.
August 13-17, 2023
Mareike Dittmar, Daniel Lengle, Vincent Mittag, and Alf Mews participated at the ACS Fall Meeting in San Francisco, USA.
June 07, 2023
The 122nd Annual Conference of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry (Bunsen-Tagung) was held in Berlin. Mareike Dittmar won the PCCP Poster Price Award 2023!
June 02, 2023
Maria Taplick successfully defended her doctoral thesis. Congratulations!
April 21, 2023
Felix Bourier successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulations!
April 14, 2023
Svenja Patjens successfully defended her doctoral thesis. Congratulations!
February 09, 2023
We published a new article "Two-Dimensional Superstructures from the Gas Phase: Directed Assembly of Copper-Sulfide Nanoplatelets" in Nano Letters (link).
January 31, 2023
We published a new article on the "Cation Exchange during the Synthesis of Colloidal Type-II ZnSe-Dot/CdS-Rod Nanocrystals" in Chemistry of Materials (link).
January 27, 2023
Thomas Tsangas successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulations!
January 20, 2023
Jannik Rebmann successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulations!
January 06, 2023
We have contributed to the manuscript "Growth and Self-Assembly of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals in the TOPO/PbBr2 Synthesis as Seen with X-ray Scattering" published in Nano Letters (link).
November 3, 2022
We published a new article on the "Reversible and Irreversible Effects of Oxygen on the Optical Properties of CdSe Quantum Wires" (link) in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C.
October 4-7, 2022
The Graduate School NANOHYBRID welcomed numerous outstanding scientists from the field of complex nanostructures (link). We thank all participants for their inspiring presentations, the stimulating discussions and friendly company!
September 7-9, 2022
Mareike, Vincent, and Daniel attended the Bunsentagung in Gießen, Germany (link). Mareike gave a lecture on the "Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Semiconductor-Metal Nanostructures for Photocatalytical Applications".
July 3-8, 2022
Mareike, Sebastian, Thomas, Roman, Jannik, and Vincent are attending the Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals in Switzerland (link).
May 13, 2022
Sonja Krohn successfully defended her doctoral thesis. Congratulations!
April 04, 2022
We published a new article "Deposition of Triazine-Based Graphitic Carbon Nitride via Plasma-Induced Polymerisation of Melamine" in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A (link).
March 14-16, 2022
Some of our PhD students attended the seminar "Optoelectronic Processes at Nanostructured Interfaces" at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef organized by Prof. Dr. Christian Klinke and Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheele. Dr. Tobias Kipp gave a lecture on "Colloidal Quantum Nanowires: Structure, Optical, and Electronic Properties".
February 18, 2022
Maximilian Schwarz successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulations!
January 19, 2022
We published a new article "Controlled Growth of Gold Nanoparticles on Covellite Copper Sulfide Nanoplatelets for the Formation of Plate–Satellite Hybrid Structures" in Chemistry of Materials (link).