Short biography and Publications by Jürgen Voss
Short biography
1936 | born in Hamburg |
1963-1965 | Lectureship in physical chemistry at the Hamburg School of Engineering |
1965 | PhD with Wolfgang Walter in Hamburg |
1965-1970 | Research Assistant at the Institute for Organic Chemistry at the University of Hamburg |
1970-1977 | Scientific Council at the Institute for Organic Chemistry at the University of Hamburg |
1973 | Habilitation in Hamburg, venia legendi in organic chemistry at the University of Hamburg |
1977-2001 | Professor (C2) at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Hamburg |
1982-2012 | Lecturer of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung |
2001-2012 | Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift "Phosphor, Schwefel und Silizium und die verwandten Elemente". |
Alternative name spellings
- Jürgen Voss
- Jürgen Voß
Possible confusion of names for Jürgen Voss, University of Hamburg
- Jürgen Voß, Promotion 1965 with Wolfgang Walter, Professor für Organische Chemie
- Jürgen Voß, Promotion 1973 with Reinhard Nast
Further Information
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