If you are interested to join the group for a Bachelor or Master thesis or research internships for Master students please contact Lisa Vondung with a transcript of records and a brief comment on what you’d be interested to work on.
We offer training in the following areas:
- Techniques for the synthesis and handling of air- and moisture-sensitive organometallic complexes (Schlenk technique, glovebox)
- Characterisation of compounds by spectroscopic and crystallographic techniques
- Computational chemistry for the prediction, bonding analysis and understanding of reactivity of metal complexes

We currently do not have open PhD positions. If you are interested in applying for a PhD scholarship, please contact Lisa Vondung with a CV, certificates or transcript of records and a brief comment on what you’d be interested to work on.
Currently there are no open positions for PostDocs, but interested candidates are welcome to contact Lisa Vondung with a CV and brief statement on what kind of project they would like to pursue in the group to discuss other funding options (DAAD, DFG, Humboldt Foundation, EU etc.).
AG Vondung
Institut für Anorganische und Angewandte Chemie
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6
20146 Hamburg
Email: lisa.vondung"AT"