Available Research Topics
The following table showes research projects that are still available . Each research project is linked to a supervision team of three principal investigators, following our Concept of Supervision. Please directly contact the speaker Prof. Alf Mews or the scientific coordinator and refer to these possible research topics, if you are interested in joining us as an early career researcher. By clicking a principal investigator's name, the corresponing group homepage opens in a new window.
No. | Topics | Supervision Team |
1 | X-ray based analysis of colloidal properties of hybrid particles in complex solutions | Parak, Hankiewicz, Beck/Mews |
2 | Exciton-plasmon coupling within silica-coated dot/rod structures with Au-and / or Ag-particles | Kipp, Abetz, Lange |
3 | X-ray spectroscopy of nanostructures | Kipp, Koziej, Fröba |
4 | Synthesis of porous photo materials based on organic silicates | Fröba, Lange, Jacobi von Wangelin |
5 | Protein containers for the assembly of anisotropic semiconductor hetero-nanostructures | Beck, Herrmann, Mews |
6 | Method for calculating dot/rod-metal (exciton-plasmon) coupling | Bester, Parak, Herrmann |
7 | Confined photoredox catalysts | Jacobi von Wangelin, tbd, tbd |
8 | Triplet triplet annihilation with hybrids of semiconductors and arenes | Jacobi von Wangelin, tbd, tbd |
9 | Finestructure in Dot/Rod Type 1/Type2 systems | Bester, Mews, Kipp |
10 | Elementary Processes of Light-Driven Reactions at Metal Nanoparticles | Lange, tbd tbd |