News20 December 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsSucessfull defence of a doctoral thesisPhoto: Vincent MittagCongratulations to Vincent Mittag, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis.Topic: Dual-emittierende CdSe-Kugel/CdS-Stab/PbS-Kugel-Nanokristalle...16 December 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsSucessfull defence of a doctoral thesisPhoto: Julian SchattschneiderCongratulations to Soenke Wengler-Rust, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis.Topic: Metal-Semiconductor Nanohybrids for Solar-to-Fuel...11 December 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: ACS PublicationsIn collaboration with the University of Leipzig and the Frauenhofer-IAP-CAN, Florian Johst has published a new paper “Probing the Temperature of...6 November 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: NanoscaleCongratulations to Julia Funke for the successful submission of her publication titled "Insights into the formation of CdSe nanoplatelets using a flow...25 October 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: ACS PublicationsThe paper "Dual-Responsive PIL Films with Gold Nanoparticles: Tailoring Electrical Responses to pH and Thermal Stimuli", written by our exchange...24 October 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: ACS PublicationsCongratulations to Vincent Mittag for the successful submission of his publication titled "CdSe-Dot/CdS-Rod/PbS-Dot Nanocrystals by Partial Cation...11 October 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsGrK Workshop Potsdam 2024Photo: Alf MewsOur annual workshop took place in Potsdam from 7 to 10 October. This time it was jointly organised by the RTG Nanohybrids and the RTG Supracolloidal...12 September 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: ACS PublicationsCongratulations to Maria Weißpflog for the successful submission of her publication titled "Non-Stoichiometric Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Green...9 September 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: ACS PhotonicsCongratulations to Florian Johst for the successful submission of his publication titled "Exciton–Phonon Coupling in Single ZnCdSe-Dot/CdS-Rod...23 August 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsInternational Workshop “Chemical Coding at the Atomic Scale”Photo: GrK NanohybridFrom 19th to 23rd August Ahir Bose and Finn Dobschall participated in the International Workshop “Chemical Coding at the Atomic Scale” from the MPIPKS...8 July 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsGordon Reseach ConferencePhoto: J. SchattschneiderFrom 30 June to 5 July, Cora Frost and Julian Schattschneider took part in the Gordon Research Conference in Les Diableres. Both presented a poster at...15 May 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: to Chih-Yin Liu, Sophia Bittinger and Ahir Bose for the successful submission of their publication entitled "Tuning the Interfacial...7 May 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: CHEMNANOMATCongratulations to Charline Becker and Sebastian Graf for the successful submission of their publication entitled "Effect of Hybridization on the...2 May 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsWelcome New GrK Member!Photo: Jie Qi NgWe are happy to introduce our newest team member, Chiara Looks, who joins us at the GrK Nanohybrid as PhD candidate in the group of Axel Jacobi von...24 April 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: to Sönke Wengler-Rust and Yannic Stächelin for the successful submission of their joined publication entitled "Electron Donor-Specific...22 April 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: S. LemichCongratulations to Sascha Lemich for the successful submission of his publication entitled "Defining New Benchmarks of Low CTAB-Concentration-Based...3 April 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsSucessful defence of a doctoral thesisPhoto: F. OttoCongratulations to Ferdinand Otto, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis.Topic: Utilizing X-rays to analyze interactions between nanoparticles...28 March 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsBunsentagungPhoto: V. Yadav The 123rd Annual Conference of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry (Bunsen-Tagung) was held at RWTH Aachen from March 25 to 27. Numerous...25 March 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsDPG Spring Meeting 2024Photo: M. WehrmeisterBetween March 17th and March 22nd Nichlas Giese, and Carlo Höhmann from AK Mews participated in the DPG Spring Meeting 2024. Nicklas Giese presented a...23 March 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID News12th International Conference on Quantum Dots 2024Photo: N. Tewonoue-DjotaAnne Nadine Tewonoue Djota and Tobias Dittmann from the Bester Group attended the QD2024 Conference in Munich from March 18th to 22nd, joining over...14 March 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsWe have got a new LinkedIn ProfilePhoto: C. Flügge We are proud to present our new LinkedIn Profile. Please follow us here8 March 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsPhoto: K. SchaeferCongratulations to Karen Schaefer and Chih-Yin Liu for their publication within their GrK research entitled "Cross-Linked Gold Nanoparticle...7 March 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsGraduate Day 2024Photo: C. Flügge Today, the GrK met for Graduate Day 2024 in the Harbour building on the DESY campus in Bahrenfeld. Some of our members presented their doctoral...18 January 2024|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsRe-Evaluation of the GrKPhoto: M. DittmarMacroposters instead of nanosheets: All GrK members presented their projects in several talks and over 30 posters as part of the re-evaluation of the...14 September 2023|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsGRK Workshop 2023Photo: A. MewsFrom the 11th -14th September 2023 we held our annually GRK Workshop, this time in Lübeck. Between talks and poster presentations we also found time...8 August 2023|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsWelcome Meeting 2023Today the speakers hosted a welcome meeting for the 3rd cohort which has now started as far as possible. We would like to welcome all our new members...7 June 2023|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsCongratulationsMareike Dittmar, who attended the Bunsentagung in Berlin together with fellow GrK member Vincent, won the best poster award. Congratulations!16 March 2023|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsGraduate Day 2023All Members of the GrK met on 15.03. for the Graduate Day 2023. The program consisted of presentations by the candidates and discussions on the...10 February 2023|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsCongratulations to Sascha Lemich for the publication within his GrK research entitled "Synthesis of Multiresponsive Gold@Polymer-Nanohybrid Materials...7 February 2023|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsApplication phase for 16 Research Associates (PhD Students) startedThe GrK NANOHYBRID offers 16 Research Associates (PhD Students) positions from 1st, April 2023. Please find here the offical job announcement.20 January 2023|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsSuccessful defence of a doctoral thesisCongratulations to Jannik Rebmann, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis.Topic: The influence of cation exchange and modification of the...28 December 2022|GrK NANOHYBRID Newsconference review in the department newspaperPhoto: UHH / FB-ChemieOur GrK conference was featured in the 31st edition of the chemistry department's staff newspaper. Click here and refere to page 17 for the full...5 December 2022|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsCongratulations to Hendrik Böhler for the publication within his GrK research entitled "Assembly of chemically modified protein nanocages into 3D...2 December 2022|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsCongratulations to Haitao Zhang for the publication within his GrK research entitled "The Interaction between TEMPO Radicals and Gold Surfaces" in...10 October 2022|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsNANOHYBRID conference has endedWe would like to thank all participants of our conference NANOHYBRID - Hamburg Conference on Complex Nanostructures. In 58 oral and 57 poster...7 September 2022|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsBunsentagung 2022Our Phd candidates Mareike, Vincent attended the Bunsentagung in Gießen, Germany (link). Mareike gave a lecture on the "Synthesis and...5 August 2022|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsCongratulations to Ferdinand Otto for his publication within his GrK research entitled "X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Towards Measuring...24 March 2022|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsHeraeus-Seminar Bad Honnef March 2022- presentation invitation for GrK member Karen SchaeferCongratulations to our GrK member Karen Schaefer for her talk with the title "Modelling Mechanical Properties of Gold Nanoparticle Arrays with...9 February 2022|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsCongratulations to Mathias Rebber for submitting his publication titled "Additive-Free, Gelled Nanoinks as a 3D Printing Toolbox for Hierarchically...9 February 2022|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsCongratulations to Yannic Stächelin for the second publication within his GrK research entitled "Carrier localization in zero-dimensional and...30 December 2021|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsCongratulations to Luana Cardinale for the successful submission of her publication entitled "Photoredox-Catalyzed Synthesis of α-Amino Acid Amides by...25 September 2021|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsSuccessful GrK kick off workshopWith a corona-related delay, we were finally able to hold our kick-off workshop. From 20.09.2022 to 23.09.2022 all members of the GrK came together at...8 March 2021|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsPublication NewsCongratulations to Yannic Stächelin for his first publication titled "Size-Dependent Electron-Phonon Coupling in Monocrystalline Gold Nanoparticles"...20 May 2020|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsDigital start of the research training group NANOHYBRIDDue to the Covid-19 pandemic, not all of our colleagues are yet able to be here in Hamburg and start their research. Nevertheless, all colleagues and...15 May 2020|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsFurther PhD candidates start their studies within the GrK NANOHYBRIDWe are happy to welcome Stefano Piacentini, Sönke Wengler-Rust, Ferdinand Otto and Yannic Stächelin in the GrK NANOHYBRID. Stefano will investigate...1 April 2020|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsThe first PhD candidates start their studies within the GrK NANOHYBRIDMareike Dittmar and Vincent Mittag start their PhD program in the GrK NANOHYBRID. Mareike will investigate the synthesis of hybrid nanosystems built...Show all news