In accordance with the doctoral degree regulations of the MIN faculty of the University of Hamburg, all PhD students in the Research Training Group will be accompanied by a two-person supervision team, which is expanded to include a third supervisor. The first two supervisors have different expertise to judge the topic from various points of view. The third supervisor is technically very close to the dissertation topic.
The supervision team develops the individual study plan together with the doctoral candidates. It commits itself to supervising the doctoral students, which can finally be transparently reconstructed by means of shorthand minutes of the regular scientific status discussions.
From the point of view of doctoral candidates, it will usually be the case that they will do most of their work in a working group and that they will be integrated into the day-to-day business of this group. Here, the respective group leader ensures that the technological and experimental equipment is made available and any problems that arise are quickly overcome. In addition to the mentioned status discussions, regular discussions about planned experiments and interpretations of the results are of course held to ensure that the work is carried out quickly.
The program items for individual supervision are tailored directly to the needs of individual doctoral candidates and coordinated in internal discussions with the supervision team.
With regard to individual supervision, each doctoral student who joins the Research Training Group first develops an individual study program together with the respective supervision team.
This includes a selection of working group internships, through which the doctoral candidates are integrated into the topic of the Research Training Group program in the first semester. Furthermore, the study program takes into account the different educational backgrounds of the doctoral candidates through a selection of courses from the curricula of the Master's programs and newly developed lectures, which have to be taken by the doctoral students. Individual support also includes regular scientific status discussions, which take place directly after the regular seminar lectures and serve effective self- and quality control as well as focusing on strategic objectives.