Principal Investigators
Photo: Volker Abetz
Principal Investigator
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Research Group Abetz
Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg
Room: 342b
Tel: +49 40 42838-3460
Photo: Tobias Beck
Principal Investigator
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg
Room: VGII 266c
Tel: +49 40 42838-8210
Photo: Nina Schober
Principal Investigator
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Research Group Bester
Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg
Room: 152
Tel: +49 40 42838-5893
Photo: Nadja Bigall
Principal Investigator
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Research Group Bigall
Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg
Room: 343a
Tel: +49 40 42838-3449
Photo: Michael Fröba
Principal Investigator
Institute of Inorganic and Applied Chemistry
Research Group Fröba
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6
20146 Hamburg
Room: 114, AC
Tel: +49 40 42838-3100
Photo: Birgit Hankiewicz
Principal Investigator
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Research Group Abetz
Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg
Room: 342a
Tel: +49 40 42838-8347
Photo: Carmen Herrmann
Principal Investigator
Institute of Inorganic and Applied Chemistry
Research Group Herrmann
Martin -Luther-King-Platz 6
20146 Hamburg
Room: 436, AC
Tel: +49 40 42838-6934
Photo: Axel Jacobi von Wangelin
Principal Investigator
Institute of Inorganic and Applied Chemistry
Research Group Jacobi von Wangelin
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6
20146 Hamburg
Room: 435, AC
Tel: +49 40 42838-3524
Photo: UHH,_RRZ-MCC,_Mentz
Principal Investigator
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Research Group Mews
Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg
Room: VGII 143
Tel: +49 40 42838-8277
Photo: Carina Häuser
Principal Investigator
Luruper Chausee 149
22761 Hamburg
Room: R2.60, CHyN - Geb. 600
Tel: +49 40 42838 1595
Photo: UHH/Lange
Principal Investigator
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Research Group Lange
Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg
Room: 038, VG1
Tel: +49 40 42838-9181
Photo: Simone Mascotte
Principal Investigator
Institute of Inorganic and Applied Chemistry
Photo: UHH,_RRZ-MCC,_Mentz
Speaker of the GrK NANOHYBRID, Principal Investigator
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Research Group Mews
Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg
Room: VGII 246a
Tel: +49 40 42838-3431
Email: alf.mews"AT"
Photo: Parak
Principal Investigator
Nanostructure and Solid State Physics
Research Group Parak
Luruper Chausee 149
22761 Hamburg
Room: Raum: R2.41, CHyN - Geb. 600
Tel: +49 40 42838 1595
Photo: Tobias Vossmeyer
Principal Investigator
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Research Group Weller
Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg
Room: 349a
Tel: +49 40 42838-7069