News (2020)20 May 2020|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsDigital start of the research training group NANOHYBRIDDue to the Covid-19 pandemic, not all of our colleagues are yet able to be here in Hamburg and start their research. Nevertheless, all colleagues and...15 May 2020|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsFurther PhD candidates start their studies within the GrK NANOHYBRIDWe are happy to welcome Stefano Piacentini, Sönke Wengler-Rust, Ferdinand Otto and Yannic Stächelin in the GrK NANOHYBRID. Stefano will investigate...1 April 2020|GrK NANOHYBRID NewsThe first PhD candidates start their studies within the GrK NANOHYBRIDMareike Dittmar and Vincent Mittag start their PhD program in the GrK NANOHYBRID. Mareike will investigate the synthesis of hybrid nanosystems built...