Introduction Research Members Information Sitemap


Collaborative Research Grant 470
Glycostructures in Biological Systems - Synthesis and Function

Since 1997 this collaborative research grant is awarded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) to fund research focused on molecules containing carbohydrate structures related to biological systems. The collaborative research is comprised of three major sections:

  • Section A: Preparation of structures containing carbohydrates
  • Section B: Structure elucidation of carbohydrate containing molecules and
  • Section C: Function of carbohydrate containing molecules.
During the current fourth funding period of the SFB grant in total 14 research projects will be supported.
The first funding period (1997 - 1999) supported 17 research projects. In the second phase (2000 - 2002) the number of projects
increased slightly to 18 projects, while during the third phase (2003 - 2005) again 17 research projects received support.
Active Projects

The closing Symposium of the SFB 470 "From Glycobiology to Glycochemistry" will be held on May 28 and 29, 2009.
Last Change: 02.04.2009 by Sören Ziehe
Contact: Martina Krasa